Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Museum September Hours

Frontenac County Schools Museum is located at 414 Regent Street in the historic section of Kingston, Ontario called Barriefield. Telephone contact is 613-544-9113.

The visiting hours:

August Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 to 4:00

September to June Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to noon
Thursday afternoon 1:30 to 3:30

Groups by appointment!!

Year-round Museum activities include:
A classroom experience with the "Schoolmistress"

Special Events Heritage Interpretation through viewing and discussing exhibits in the Gallery

Identifying Artifacts used in Pioneer Schools

Enjoying the books used in early school times

Research Facilities

School Groups, interested groups, and individuals interested in school history are welcome to visit. We look forward to your comments.

1 comment:

camille allard said...

I have in my possession an original "Public School Log" dated 1876 ..and continuing to 1900.
It accounts for all financial output for everything spent at that school for one year...including fire wood and teacher's salary.
If you are interested in seeing this book, please contact me at
Camille Allard