Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Museum September Hours

Frontenac County Schools Museum is located at 414 Regent Street in the historic section of Kingston, Ontario called Barriefield. Telephone contact is 613-544-9113.

The visiting hours:

August Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 to 4:00

September to June Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to noon
Thursday afternoon 1:30 to 3:30

Groups by appointment!!

Year-round Museum activities include:
A classroom experience with the "Schoolmistress"

Special Events Heritage Interpretation through viewing and discussing exhibits in the Gallery

Identifying Artifacts used in Pioneer Schools

Enjoying the books used in early school times

Research Facilities

School Groups, interested groups, and individuals interested in school history are welcome to visit. We look forward to your comments.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Photograph Study

Small groups of students looked at three large photographs -- one of a class from Verona in 1923, a photo from Picadilly in 1903, and a photo of a class from Rideau School in 1915. Our guests chose a student, imagined a name, described the clothing and thought about how the student arrived at school.

they then thought about what was in the friend's lunch and whether or not they had brothers and sisters in the class.

Why wee the students all so sober-looking--no smiles. It probably had to do with the serious business of having your picture taken--a formal activity. Quite different from today!!

Jim Reynolds

Out of Retirement as a Teacher

(August 23, 2007)

Today I came out of retirement and went back to the classroom. what a pleasure to introduce the 35 young people from the explorer Camp of queen's University to the routine of a 1900's school room. they learned how times have changed.

Grade Eight Entrance Exam - 1904

A Grade Eight Entrance Exam from 1904 was quite a challenge for a group of young people who visited one of the centres in the museum gallery. They tried one of the questions from the "Drawing" exam and we looked at the Geography question about the winds affecting the climate in India!

The enthusiasm of the students is infectious. There is so much pleasure in chatting with kids about the early 1900's!!

Carol Rogers

A visit to The Schools Museum

Please come out soon to visit The Frontenac County Schools Museum.

While working here for two weeks, as an "Interpreter" I have learned the value and need for such a museum as this.

For example:
When a school class visits the 1899, classroom comes to life and the students are transported back to an earlier time.

There are many artifacts to examine, books to read, friendly volunteers who are happy to assist you.

Please do come to see us soon.

W. L. Collette

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Writing at the Museum

Have you seen a pen rest like this one?

When you visit the Schools Museum, you will have the opportunity to try your hand at writing with a straight pen and ink. The black iron pen rest holds the straight pens while they dry.

Visiting the Museum and sitting in old style desks!

This week, several children visited the Schools Museum to explore the wooden desks and trying to find the best place to sit in the class. It appears the single seats are the most loved. One young girl found the slate board and chalk to be fascinating.