Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dedicated Volunteers

Here at the museum we are fortunate to have acquired many faithful volunteers who are not afraid to work hard and tackle unfamiliar tasks. They seem to appreciate the great effort and forethought of the founders when items were collected and the Museum was established in 1979.
However, there is always need and room for another volunteer--or many more. Along with this there is always a project which appeals to individual interests. We are also looking for help to start a Fund Raising Committee. Our goal is to raise $20,000 to help with monthly expenses such as rent, utilities and insurance. If this sort of work appeals to you please contact us at the Museum at 613-544-9113.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Year-round Museum Archives

The Museum has extensive archives. These are available for research purposes by appointment only.

The Museum is air-conditioned.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Short History of our Museum

The Frontenac County Schools Museum began as a project to celebrate Kingston's Tercentenary in 1973 (Kingston, Ontario, Canada). a small group of retired educators spent many hours researching schools, photographing sites, collecting books and artifacts, and microfilming hundreds of school records.

In 1977, the Museum Association was formally established and by late 1979 the museum was ready to open to the public in Sydenham Public School in the center of Kingston. In 1993 it relocated to Robert Meek Public School but the school was sold in 2000 and the museum was forced into storage.

In 2006, it moved to its present location in historic Barriefield Village and in December hosted an opening Christmas Tea for members and guests.

Our location now is:
414 Regent Street,
Barriefield, Ontario
K7K 5R1


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Gallery

Experience social and educational life in the pioneer years through the displays of school textbooks, artifacts, memorabilia and photogrphs. you may even identify a great-grandparent!

The Schoolroom

Bring you family to our schoolroom set in the style of a one-room rural schoolhouse in the 1900 to 1930 era. The desks and artifacts were collected from the schools which at one time dotted the countryside.

Sit at a wooden desk, write on a slate with a slate pencil. Browse through old Ontario readers. Try your skill at some arithmetic fats and problems encountered in the past!

Welcome to the Frontenac County Schools Museum

Frontenac County Schools Museum is located at 414 Regent Street in the historic section of Kingston, Ontario called Barriefield. Telephone contact is 613-544-9113.

The visiting hours:

July and August Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 to 4:00

September to June Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to noon
Thursday afternoon 1:30 to 3:30

Year-round Museum activities include:
A classroom experience with the "Schoolmistress"

Special Events Heritage Interpretation through viewing and discussing exhibits in the Gallery

Identifying Artifacts used in Pioneer Schools

Enjoying the books used in early school times

Research Facilities

School Groups, interested groups, and individuals interested in school history are welcome to visit. We look forward to your comments.